Butera Road near FM 249

Stagecoach, TexasNov 21, 20067 Comments

What concerns me is that in order to pull over someone going 40 in a 35 the police officers will whip around going double fast, passing others, almost making them land in the ditch, just to pull over someone going 5 miles over the limit.

In fact, one day when I passed by this little park that they sit in, I came to a complete stop and then moved on and accelerated to the posted limit of 35 mph. I even thought to myself that the little speed trap of Stagecoach was not going to get me because I knew the police officer was there, I looked right over at him. Before I knew it, the officer pulled out and pulled me over. I thought, this is crazy because I was doing everything by the book. I straight up asked him if something was wrong with my car, because there was no other reason for him to pull me over. He said that I accelerated when I saw him……(ummmmmmm, yea…..I went from stop to 35 mph…..and how dumb if I would have seen him and then speeded past…..) Then he said he clocked me at 55! CRAZY! I laughed. There was no way. I know it is a speed trap. I saw him. I triple checked the limit of 35 because again I knew it was a speed trap! I told him there was no way. He went back to his car, waited a while and came back and said get your speed ometer checked and let me go.

Last month My son and I had a painting job near stagecoach. That day we had a lot of rain and some of the roads were flooded and the local cops had up sighns saying road closed. This was early in the day and we were stuck waiting for the road to open. A friend called me to tell me that another road was open but it would be about twenty miles extra drive. Well we took that extra twenty miles drive to get to work ans we worked till 4am because we got a late start due to the rain and flooded roads. When we started home I said to my son lets see if the road is open now and for him to just follow me in his truck. My son is only 17. we get to road and there is still a sighn up saying road closed but there were many tire tracks going around the sighn so I drove around the sighn to see if the water was gone. It was all gone and the road was dry,mo water there for hours. This raid has a curve in it about 300 yards away from the sighn and after that was a stagecoach cop sleeping in his car. My head lights wake him up and he turns on his red and blue lights. He writes both me and my son tickets for going around the sighn. I told him there was not a drop of water on the road. Now here is the good part. We go to court on the day we are supposed to go and find the court house is what looks like and old barn where the county used to store tractors way down a two way narrow raod that looks like it will be a dead end. We done get to even see a judge or even the cop that wtote the tickets. All we get to see is what the lady at the desk called the prosecutor he is wearing sime gay pride looking shirt. blie pin stripes with crazy huge white cuffs. He takes me in another room and offers me a deal where if I pay the fine and dont get another ticket in stagecoach for the next sixty days it wont go on my record. Thats it no juge no cop no nothing at all. I am not a lawyer and dont know what other options I have so I take the deal 225.00 fine and probation. I thought you win if the cop dont show up. Any police dept that opperate that way should ne shut down. The city of stagecoach will not come up in my gps its a city that is located inside another city? Why any police officer would set up a trap like that to make money from an emergency situation should be fired and anybody in the court system that stand behind him should alsi be fired. There is nothing in the city of stagecoach except that little trailer house sized barn they call a court house. They are all crooks in my opinion and will have an express ticket to hell when they die. My son is only 17 and now hates all cops because if this. I remember when cops were respected and set an example of right and wrong. Now I dont know what to think. I am really sad that my son had to go through this when all were trying to do was get home at 4am. The prosecutor gave him the same deal but only 175.00 and he must take defensive driving Another woman there told me she got a ticket for failure to maintain a single lane because there was a big puddle of water on the road and she drove in the grass a little bit to go around it. This place is crazy no morals, no common sence, no ethics at all. All I can say is Try to avoid this area that makes all the good cops and judges look so bad. The police are only there to make money for themselves there is nothing else in that town at all.
#1Aug 17, 2012Report Abuse
About 8 years ago I was in that area and it was a very foggy morning. I was trying to find a construction site because I am an inspector. I didnt know the area at all and was a little lost so I pulled over to look at my key map. I was parked off the road for at least ten minutes and a cop pulled up behind me and asked me waht I was doing and I told him. He asked me for my licence and insureance and came back with a speeding ticket. It was so foggy I had to stop just to read the the brown hand made raod sighns thay have out there. and I was parked for like I said for at least ten minutes. They are crooks out there, There is nothing in that city at all but an old barn they call a court house. There is nothing elese out there at all. I dont know how it can be called a city because its in magnolia. Even the address of the court house is magnolia tx. Cops like that and the people that stand behind them in that so called court should all be in jail. Cops used to be somebody that you respect and that set an example,but not in stage coach they just make the good ones look bad. I have no respect for them at all and will never go into that town again. all I can do is try and tell others about them.
#2Aug 17, 2012Report Abuse
To address the person who received a ticket for driving around a barricade - if a person drives around a warning sign or barricade has been placed because water is over any portion of a road, the offense is a Class B misdemeanor. A Class B misdemeanor is punishable by a fine not to exceed $2,000; (2) confinement in jail for a term not to exceed 180 days; or (3) both such fine and confinement. You are lucky the officer only wrote you for a Class C misdemeanor. The fire department was called out for two high water rescues that day and that is why the road was closed. Road closure signs are put up for safety reasons - not to generate revenue. I am sorry that your son "hates all cops now" but you acknowledge that you drove around a barricade, which is against the law. All the officer did was enforce the law. Luckily you only received a ticket that day - disregarding a barricade could cost you your life so hopefully you'll think twice before doing so again. Maybe that's the lesson your son should learn from this experience. Also, when you came to court, you came to what is known as an arraignment. The officer is not required to be present at the arraignment. The purpose of the arraignment is to take your plea - no testimony is heard. That is the way all courts in Texas work. You could have requested a trial for the offense in question and then the officer would be required to be present.
#3Aug 21, 2012Report Abuse
You about crossing the barricade. I once was lied to by my little brother about his ticket. So, I went to complain on a Stagecoach cop. Well, the Captain pulled the video and we watched right there at his computer. He was not the officer that pulled my brother over. He was willing to pull up the video right in front of me. And how do you know that cop was sleeping? You can not see into that car. Stop lying!!!
#4Oct 21, 2012Report Abuse
I know the cop was sleeping, I could see him sleeping.
#5Apr 08, 2014Report Abuse
The road was dry as a bone,there was no reason the sighn should have still been up. The fat lazy mexican cop was just there to write tickets period. Its a terrible place because of the cops. It was not an arraignmet it was a shake down. I was not given any other choice than to take the deal or pay the ticket period. I was told by a good source that the kids that wait on the cops at the sonic have been adding plenty of spit in the coffee and cold drinks that the cops get for free.
#6Apr 08, 2014Report Abuse
I think the way it works is if you break the law you get a ticket or go to jail. You made the decision to not only cross the barricade, which is ILLEGAL, and you are also teaching your son to disrespect the law as well. I agree with the other guy, stop lying. You can't see anyone sleeping in a car at night. I have driven trough Stagecoach for 14 or 15 years and I have never gotten a ticket there. Maybe it's because I don't break the law? Go figure.
#7May 05, 2014Report Abuse

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