Carlisle Ave. (Rte. 74N), across from the York Fair.

York, PennsylvaniaMar 13, 20101 Comments

York City police on many occassions have set up a speed trap toward the north end of the fairgrounds, ususally by Texas Ave., just before the flower shop. Sometimes after dark they’ll be set up by the flower shop parking lot. They usually don’t pull you over until you’re up the road a bit, at the next light at the end of the cemetery and car lots, in West Manchester Twp. On this stretch of the road by the York Fair, one side of the road is in W. Manchester Twp. , with a 35 mph limit, and the other side is in York City, with a 25 mph limit. York City uses one of these timing units that are mounted on an aluminum frame and is noticeable if you’re looking for it. On the city side they’ll usually set the unit by a utillity pole or something else that will block it’s view. The other half of the unit is set up across the road along the curb on W. Manchester Twp. property, not York City. This is very noticeable. I always wondered if someone could argue that the tickets aren’t legal because not all of the timing equipment is located within the city limits.

the city loves this scam....been running it for years. I got caught in it awhile back...paid the fine then realized the two speeds posted across from each other on same road. Contacted the state. Asked a question about the validity of this...never ever mentioned where it was or any clue as to what road or anything.........state came back telling me that "York City has been notified to correct this problem of two speed limits"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Guess someone needs to really fight it and then maybe the "good old boy" scam they have been running for years might get corrected. Beware.
#1Apr 17, 2010Report Abuse

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