Center Street near Fairground Entrance

Grayslake, IllinoisFeb 26, 20040 Comments

I have lived in Grayslake for 9 years now, and 8 out of 10 times, there is an officer located in the same spot. Going down Center St. along the Lake County Fairgrounds, there is usually an officer sitting in the FIRST entrance (if you are going toward Route 45) or, if you are going away from Route 45, it will be the 2nd entrance. This entrance is closed off sometimes with a wire fence, but it is located right behind a fence, so you don’t usually see the cop until you are right in front of him. Sometimes, there are two of them facing opposite directions just talking to eachother. If you are heading away from 45 (West on Center St.) you can see the cop a mile away. But careful if you are heading toward (East) Route 45 on Center, because you won’t see them until they are on top of you. If going East, keep steady at 45mph at least until you pass the 1st entrance.

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