Chaparral Road near 69th Street

Scottsdale, ArizonaMar 16, 20040 Comments

While proceding Eastbound, immediately following the intersection of Chaparral and 68th St. there is a 25 MPH speed limit sign which is blocked from view by an Oleander hedge. Immediately preceding the intersection the speed limit is 35 MPH. One cannot see another 25 MPH speed limit sign, while continuing Eastbound until one is almost to the following intersection, which is approximately a quarter mile beyond, but, the photo radar machine is set on a gravel section about 90 feet beyond the first, obscured speed limit sign. So, by the time one has seen that the section of the road "was" 25 MPH zone, one has already passed to photo radar machine at around 35 MPH (the posted speed just previous to the intersection), or slightly above and received a photo radar ticket.

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