Coming into Martindale in either direction.

Martindale, TexasSep 17, 20180 Comments

I was coming into Martindale from San Marcos area, just took the car off cruise and was slowing down from outside their city limits, a black dodge PU blew by me but turned off into the town about 2 blocks. Martindale PD whipped around and lit me up, not the Dodge. Good old boy/neighbor. Started to pull over, PD got on loud speaker, drive up a little further turn on side road. There were ruts and the grass was completely gone from all the people being pulled over. Overly quisitive, where was I going, who did I work for, social security #, etc. I was gong to get ticket anyway, so I told him it was none of his business. While sitting there, 3 brand new patrol cars came by, Martindale only has about 750+ people. 4 patrol cars for 750 people, guess where the money comes from. You and me!!!!

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