Cornelius Pass and TV Hwy Bypass

Hillsboro, OregonFeb 20, 20080 Comments

New to the area and driving west on TV Hwy, I was turning right onto Cornelius Pass north. A motorcycle cop trap caught me turning right using a bike path lane, as cars routinely do everyday. (I counted 36 in 15 minutes). The bike emblem was painted 250 feet from the intersection and the "bike" path was 8 feet wide, appearing to be simply a median on the side of the road that could be used for turning. In spite of being poorly marked as a bike path, (as opposed to other bike paths, that I took pictures of that were narrower and painted emblems closer to the intersections) the judge in Hillsboro sided with the cop (good ol boys club I suppose and revenue for the City of Hillsboro). I wrote the mayor, and since the judge didn’t care about correcting a problem that unfairly costs drivers, I contacted ODOT and they painted the bike emblem closer to the intersection. The next day, my husband saw a similiar sting on TV Hwy and Century Blvd. What ever happened to "warnings?" Greediness and in the case of this judge, "indifference", I suppose. Sad that judges can make a difference, but choose not to.

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