County Route 579 through village of Harbourton

Hopewell, New JerseyMay 25, 20100 Comments

The 45 limit reduces to 35 for about a quarter mile through this hamlet and its T intersection next to a historic landmark (former tavern) fieldstone house. There is a little white historic rural chapel across from the T intersection, with a cemetery behind and to its South. Police wait on cemetery driveways South of (and out of sight from) the intersection, alternatively a few hundred feet still further South, in front parking yard of a historic red two-room schoolhouse. Awareness is limited Southbound, also slightly downhill, through the village and South of the T intersection. Speeding less likely Northbound because enforcement is easily visible prior to the speedlimit reduction. Route 579 aka Pennington-Harbourton Road — also changes to Bear Tavern Road a couple of miles South of the village of Harbourton.

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