Crossing the Georiga/Alabama state line as you enter AL.

Gordon, AlabamaMar 21, 20101 Comments

Becareful!!! There is a dirty cop on that road. I knew that there was a speed trap there, so I cruised at 60 mph. I got pulled over any way and he told me that I was doing 81 mph!!! I didn’t believe him and I asked to see the radar, sure enough, it said 81 mph. Funny, that same 81 mph is the exact same speed that everyone is charged with! I’m pretty sure that he is clocking someone at that speed and is simply saving it for his next victim as proof of their speeding. Becareful! I now refuse to take 84 into Dothan. I take an alternate route. Haven’t had a ticket since. Oh yeah, he drives a blue crown victoria (without lights on the top) and says "Gordon Police" in gold on the doors of the car.

I totally agree! I also knew of the speed trap, so I was planning on setting the cruise at 66 mph, thinking he would not stop me for being 1 mile an hour over, but he did stop me and said I was going 81 mph, but he would only write the ticket for 78 mph. I wasn't going near that, I had the cruise set on 74 mph in Georgia, but as soon as I came into Alabama I took the cruise off and was getting ready to push the cruise button on 66 when he stopped me. He also tried to tell me that my insurance card was out of date, when it doesn't expire until 09/08/11. Duh! It's not even September yet. I had 2 adults and 2 children with me and they know I was not going 81 or 78. Both looked at my speed when he turned his lights on and the speedometer was at 66. I haven't had a ticket in 10 years! I will be taking an alternate route from now on.
#1Aug 24, 2011Report Abuse

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