Dublin Road near Park Boulevard

Parker City, TexasJul 23, 20041 Comments

I have seen Parker City police sitting on Dublin Road between Park Blvd and Parker Road in the morning and in the evening on the way home. The speed limit is 30MPH and it is a pretty long stretch of road, har to stay at 30MPH.

I live on Dublin Rd. The poster is correct in that the North part of the road is straight for about a mile, but then, without warning, becomes twisting and (for our part of Texas) hilly. The curves are not all constant radius. It's rare to drive down Dublin on a Monday Morning without seeing knocked down mail boxes, tire tracks going off into the ditch or someone's pasture, or a busted fence. I know the Chief and several of the Officers and they are there to protect the motorist by enforcing the law, not to collect revenue. The road is also popular with runners, cyclists, and walkers. Because of the vegetation, the hills, and the curves they aren't always easy to see. The 30 mph Speed Limit on Dublin is not at all unreasonable- in fact it is a pretty gtood idea.
#1Jun 04, 2011Report Abuse

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