Dunkirk, Indiana

Winchester, IndianaApr 09, 20100 Comments

Police run radar aggressively at N. and S. ends of town. N. side IS a trap because they like to sit behind the bank, right after the limit drops from 45 to 30. Far less than a quarter of a mile after it drops from 55 to 45. Woe to ye if caught doing ANYTHING over the limit. Similar setup at S. end of town, where they like to sit beside the credit union, but if you’re caught speeding there, it’s pretty much your fault. Also, DON"T think that one or two miles over the limit won’t get you a ticket anywhere in town. Especially if you drive a newer car or look affluent in any way. These guys are on a mission, approved by the mayor. They have five cars, one unmarked and hidden at their range in the country. They’re trying to get a K9 unit and pay for it, too. All in a town of about 3500-4000 people.

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