E Kellogg Dr S Drive near S Rock Road

Wichita, KansasJul 22, 20072 Comments

This is a "construction zone" along a highway that turns into a drive with a few stop lights and then eventually turns back into highway. It seems that work is never being done on this "construction zone," but it is not uncommon to see 2 or 3 officers pulling over people within a few blocks of each other at any time of the day. The speed zone suddenly goes from 60mph to 40mph with little notice or time to react to it. My wife was given a $330 ticket yesterday in this area. I was given a ticket several months ago for only going a little over the speed limit. It seems that the City of Wichita makes a lot of money from handing out traffic tickets, and they are addicted to this source of income. Tourists beware. Do your shopping somewhere other than Kellogg.

the city has continually warn people that they were increasing the patrolling, and stpping speeders on east bound 54, on radio and television. Thats why i say its not a speed trap.
#1Apr 14, 2010Report Abuse
"The speed zone suddenly goes from 60mph to 40mph with little notice or time to react to it"????.......there are signs all over the place and the road narrows considerably to justify the speed change. Like the ANY speed zone, if people pay attention they have more than enough time to slow down.
#2Jul 23, 2010Report Abuse

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