E.Walnut St. Street near Hill Street

Pasadena, CaliforniaOct 16, 20071 Comments

Morning commute on Walnut St. between Hill St. and Lake Ave. Motorcycle sits by the tire shop on walnut with radar. The speed limit is a 30MPH, very slow for the area. The police have a very high success rate with this extremely lucrative speed trap. They wrote me a ticket for 35 in a 30 zone at 6:15am with virtually no traffic.

omg... this is such a speed trap for sure as the speed limit changes from 35 to 30 and u dont even know it!' I got one today. Does anyone know how much the ticket is for ? cop says i was going 46 mph in 30 mph also if I do a trial by declaration what are my chances of winning?
#1May 24, 2010Report Abuse

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