Entering town from east

Star Valley, ArizonaNov 29, 20112 Comments

Bottom of steep hill. You need to apply brakes before leveling out. It is outrageous and nothing more than a method to collect revenue from already stressed citizens who then get an increase in insurance rates. No wonder that everyone is totally fed up with corrupt government. This town needs to be exposed on the Arizona and even national news. Boycott all businesses in this town!!

As a newcomer to Payson, I had been referred to a nursery and a steak house in Star Valley. After being cited for $210 for 56mph in a 45 zone entering town from the east, I will not patronize either of these businesses. This speed trap is at the botton of a large hill entering town and the camera is set up right at the speed limit sign. Boycott all Star Valley businesses until they stop this corrupt practice.
#1Jul 14, 2012Report Abuse
Arizona law requires you to be SERVED PERSONALLY.. that is, an officer of the court or a process server must HAND YOU IN PERSON an official ticket in order for the court to obtain personal jurisdiction over you and for a summons to be official. If this has not happened, then you have a piece of paper sent by a private for profit company HOPING you'll be scared and pay their ransom note. It is not an official summons from the city or the court. US mail is NOT sufficient service of any official summons in Arizona. Do not go to their website. Do not call the number. Do not implicate someone else. Toss it. And do not support Star Valley in ANY WAY. Just pass them up and get gas, food, snacks in Payson. It's only a few miles down the road.
#2Jun 20, 2015Report Abuse

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