Entering Vaughan on Highway 200

Great Falls, MontanaAug 19, 20111 Comments

Upon entering Vaughn on hwy 200 just outside of Great Falls the speed limit changes from 75 to 55 abruptly and then down to 45. I had my cruise set at 70 and abruptly took it off and was literally riding the brakes to try to get down to 55. I got pulled over and given a speeding ticket. Same cop sitting there on the trip back with someone pulled over. Quite a racket for collecting money. Also if you want to contest it you have to appear in Great Falls Justice Court so if you live out of town like I do you’re screwed. What a racket.

I got caught in the exact same trap at the Vaughn Junction with Hwy. 200. This is my first speeding ticket ever....and I am a grandma who almost never passes anyone on the road. This is a relatively new 4 lane section of highway that merges onto a four lane intestate. I was on cruise control from Highway 200 and never saw the sign to slow to 45 mph. The area of the "town" of Vaughn merges imperceptibly with the surrounding area. I can see the reason for slowing the traffic here and I certainly learned my lesson, but the transition and warning to slow to 45 mph should be much better marked!
#1Dec 04, 2012Report Abuse

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