Entire city/ area

Euharlee, GeorgiaMar 01, 20020 Comments

Entire tiny city of Euharlee is a speed trap. Main road is 2-lane and 45 mph but is very straight and you want to go faster. Police dept. has around 5 vehicles. Side roads are 35 mph straight, flat, barren country roads and that’s where they’ll really get you. When I lived there I would leave for work at 4:30 am some days and they are out there – lights off, just waiting for your "one false move". To their credit, the rural area has subdivisions now and the need for safety is present. However, the speed limits are at least 5mph lower than you would think they should be for such a rural area and I’m sure this is used to drive city revenue (not much else out there). Please be careful!

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