Ethel Road near Suttons Lane

Piscataway, New JerseyApr 09, 20082 Comments

Be very careful at this stop sign..( Ethel – Suttons lane ) .. Cops give you a ticket for anything here.. This stop sign is well before the intersection and even if you stop parallel to this sign – traffic is not visible but if you tend to go ahead and again stop – Thats it you have broken the law as per the great Piscataway Township Police Dept… They will give you ticket for it and I know a friend who was asked a mandatory court appereance for it.

WHile in the court as usual township tried to make money by offering him a no point violation (which he can claim twice in 5 years ) and 285$ fine + court fees.. WHen he said he would just plead guilty for not stopping at the traffic light – Great Judge of Piscataway township handed him 186$ fine + $30 court fee….

SO be aware of such small tickets – if there was no court apperance this would have been a $80 fine ticket…

BE VERY CAREFUL while driving in Piscataway – COPS in this township many times park cars in parking lots and hide behind trees with speed guns as well – Its a money making machine in the township.

All the stops signs on Suttons Lane seem to be invisible to the Rutger's students coming in and out of the area. I get cut off all the time by people running those stop signs. The cops know all about it and don't like it when you give them attitude. They've heard it all before.
#1Sep 01, 2011Report Abuse
The law in NJ is that if you come to a stop AT THE STOP LINE, and I mean a FULL stop, not a rolling stop, and then pull cautiously ahead, you have NOT broken the law. Yes, it is true that most municipalities, counties and even the state do NOT cut back brush and trees from signeage regarding speed limit, stop signs, exits on 287, etc.. This is NJ ... you have to be a defensive driver, and watch out for cops in towns like Piscataway (I got nabbed by a red light camera) and Highland Park (as soon as you enter its airspace, your radar detector will scream all through town). Piscataway now has at least 12 red light cameras, and as far as I know, only one has a warning sign (Centennial Ave. and Hoes La.) so be careful out ther, peoples.
#2Sep 18, 2012Report Abuse

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