Everywhere in Champlin along 169

Champlin, MinnesotaFeb 09, 20170 Comments

Everywhere between 610 to the North end of Champlin bridge, along 169. If you exceed the speed limit by about 7 mph, you’re generally safe, although I don’t risk going past 5 mph. If you exceed by a solid 10, you have a HIGH chance of getting pulled over. And when Champlin police pull you over, you are guaranteed to get a ticket. They will not pull you over unless they intend to give you a ticket. It doesn’t matter how nice they are, or how nice you are. You will ALWAYS get a ticket if they pull you over. They even have it down to a science exactly where to pull you over so it’s convenient for them.

This isn’t a rant, it’s a warning. I’ve driven through Champlin everyday for 6+ years, and seeing traps all through Champlin is a daily occurrence. I’ve personally never gotten pulled over myself because I know better than to test it, but I know several people who have. Every single person I’ve heard from that have been pulled over said they got a ticket.

They have MULTIPLE speed trap spots so it’s not even worth naming them all. Bottom line, don’t speed through Champlin more than 5mph.

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