Extension Hollywood Boulevard near Mary Esther Boulevard

Mary Esther, FloridaJan 27, 20081 Comments

Going west on Hollywood Boulevard, you cross Mary Esther and go onto the extension that continues with four lanes for about 1/2 mile. The speed limit is 35, even though there are no homes, businesses, traffic lights or stop signs. It is a road built for 45 mph but for whatever reason,the powers that be enforce the 35 mph limit.


There are no homes. But there ARE several businesses, (Dollar Tree, Eglin Federal Credit Union, a four-lane road going to and from Santa Rosa Mall, plus two little strip malls) and the area you describe BEGINS with a traffic light, if going west, and there are three stop signs for the traffic entering that part of Hollywood Blvd.. That section then slows down even more because it involves a 20 MPH traffic circle/round-a-bout. I can imagine what would happen if traffic came into the round-a-bout at 45 MPH. It would not be pretty. Perhaps "the powers that be" have a good reason for that speed limit.
#1Apr 02, 2011Report Abuse

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