Garder Rd, (27) at Middle Rd. (197/127)

Dresden, MaineMay 23, 20121 Comments

Traveling 27 in either direction, Sheriffs/State PD wait at bottom of steep hill. Speed limit drops from 50 to 35 just as you begin descent and are in clear radar view. If you don’t slow down at first warning sign, gravity will have you going 60 in a 35 zone.

I travel this road often. I, also, have seen state police and county police at this intersection often. There is a Post Office (P.O.) at this intersection and the (what looks like a church) town office (T.O.) next to the P.O. The parking lot of each (P.O. & T.O.) are used as speed trap sites. The Town of Dresden, its self, has no local municipal police department. I not sure why there are 2 votes, at this date 2013-10-30, that this intersection is NOT used as a speed trap. BeSeeingYou
#1Oct 31, 2013Report Abuse

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