Graves Avenue & Sunset Trail

Santee, CaliforniaAug 13, 20123 Comments

Second occurance (First in Early May, 2012) of two San Diego Sheriff deputies at the corner, this time one is a Traffic Deputy on a BMW Motorcycle with another deputy in a Patrol Car. Radar/LIDAR must be hidden, as I did not see any device in hand. This area is 25 MPH Maximum and appears to be heavility enforced seasonally (After School Ends, Before School Starts, After Major Events). Watch out….don’t let the Sheriff make money off you.

Two San Diego Sheriff / Santee Sheriffs doing LIDAR / RADAR checks this morning, same location, Tuesday, 09/10/2013 @ around 7:00 am - 7:30 am. It must be seasonally...I have not seen them since last September, 2012. MO-NAY! MO-NAY! MO-NAY! CHA-ING! $$$$ Big sign half-way up the hill was VERY helpful saying "RADAR 25". Thanks!
#1Sep 10, 2013Report Abuse
Two More San Diego Sheriff / Santee Sheriffs doing LIDAR / RADAR scans (Two Cars this time) this morning, same location, Tuesday, 09/17/2013 @ around 7:00 am - 7:30 am. It must be seasonally...MO-NAY! MO-NAY! MO-NAY! CHA-ING! $$$$ Must be Money Poor...
#2Sep 17, 2013Report Abuse
One San Diego Sheriff / Santee Sheriff on BMW Bike doing LIDAR / RADAR checks this morning, same location, Wednesday, 12/18/2013 @ around 7:00 am - 7:30 am. They got a car in front of me. I was doing 25 MPH or less. Time for a Escort Redline Radar/Laser/LIDAR detector. Poor car in front of me, San Diego Sheriff / Santee Sheriff is looking for a last minute Christmas Bonus.
#3Dec 18, 2013Report Abuse

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