Highway 1 north of Greenville

Rosedale, MississippiJul 23, 20020 Comments

This small town has at least four patrol cars and I’ve seen no white operators so far. I came into town full aware of their presence and was right on the money when I met the patrol and got zapped according to my Escort radar detector. However, I did not notice that he turned and followed having probably noticed my radar detector, my fault. However, I also have a GPS on the dash that is most often mistaken by them. My detector never went off again but he claims I sped to 58 in a 35 departing town on the south side. That was a claim I could and would not deny for I was not paying proper attention, but my detector never went off again. The guy was civil, but very curt, no conversation. He kept my license requiring a 300 mile trip on my part to reclaim it. That was more irksome than the rest. He said he was "required" to hold it but the back of his ticket said he was "permitted" to retain it. The fine was $111 for his reported 50 (not the original voiced 58) in their 35 mph limit. However, the 45 was very near and I may have been in it. The trap at this place is nothing new and all those small towns are dying and depending more and more on such as this for money. They say they want you to slow, but many can’t survive if you do. A small town in north Louisiana recently closed City Hall because the patrolman wouldn’t write traffic tickets. (Baskin, LA)

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