Highway 321

Olar, South CarolinaSep 29, 20142 Comments

Olar is a creepy town. The police car is a plain black charger with no makings indicating it is a police car. There are very dark windows and no light bar, not even a low profile light bar. Unlike other police cars, radio antenna were not visible and all blue lights are inside the car. As a lone women travelling through Olar and having a mysterious unmarked car pull behind me with lights flashing, I found it unsettling. It would have been less frightening if the police in Olar would identify their cars as police cars. After reading comments from others about Olar and the responses from the policeman and his wife, I conclude the main reason for an unmarked car is not to serve and protect but to generate revenue.

Actually, the main reason for our police chief is to catch law breakers, including bank robbers from other towns which come through here (made the papers and news channels), burglars, and yes even speeders. I personally do not find Olar to be a creepy place at all, it is quite safe and family friendly. In reference to our unmarked police car, every police department has unmarked police cars, why should ours be marked? I am sure our Chief was in his uniform which is clearly marked. Yes, I support my Police Chief and all the time he spends stopping speeders in order to keep our quiet town safe for us to cross the roads safely.
#1Sep 29, 2014Report Abuse
You comment is disingenuous at best. If you were interested in the safety of the good people of Olar to cross the streets you would use a more effective tool than an unmarked car. You would use a well marked police car making its presence well known and very visible. On the other hand, if the purpose is to generate revenue, then an unmarked car is the more effective tool. As for the uniform on the officer, well, he must be a bachelor.
#2Sep 30, 2014Report Abuse

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