Highway 411, S. Pineherst Pl

Englewood, TennesseeOct 01, 20000 Comments

Traveling south on 411, choose route for scenery, instead of 1-75. Stopped at the one traffic light in town, began to proceed and passed a police vehicle. The officer abruptly turned his head around and viewed the back of my car. Within minutes, he pulled me over and gave me a ticket for reckless driving (22 mph over the limit, poor visibility and wet conditions). I appeared in court to contest the ticket and provided a photograph of the conditions, after the officer said it was raining heavily and standing water…the picture showed visibility was in no way hampered and that the roads were only damp. The reckless driving was dropped but I was still charged with speeding, even though they had no proof. Another GA. man was in court the same day, same ticket, caught in same location, same direction, and he was found guilty too! I am presently appealing in McMinn County Court.

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