Highway 64

Olar, South CarolinaSep 08, 20148 Comments

How does a village of 253 people with less than 160 residential homes at a median value of about $48,000 taxed at a rate of 0.0948 mils within 0.8 square miles obtain sufficient funds to operate a city, pay salaries, buy insurance, etc. They invest in a couple of chargers, of course; put blue lights on them, hire a police chief and part-time deputy and sit out on Highway 64 waiting for unsuspecting people to drive through their friendly village. In South Carolina the progression for speeds is 55-45-35; but not in Olar. In Olar it is 55-45-30 and the progression comes very quickly. Well to make a long story short, both my GPS and my speedometer read 37mph (yes I was speeding) but I was cited at 44 and given a $180 ticket. The check is to be made payable to the City of Olar. I will not fight the ticket, but after reading other reports of Olar, I will write a letter to the South Carolina Attorney General asking for some interdiction on behalf of people who travel Highway 64 and Highway 321.

First of all, you need to get your facts straight. The Town of Olar has only one Charger, one Police Chief, no part-time deputies, and if you were cited for driving 44 mph in a 30 mph zone, your ticket would not be for $180.00. In fact, no ticket has been written by the Town of Olar for at least the past two years. So, if you are going to whine because you were irresponsible in your driving, at least know what you are talking about.
#1Sep 09, 2014Report Abuse
"In fact, no ticket has been written by the Town of Olar for at least the past two years. " Wow, whatever you say Mr Mayor!
#2Sep 09, 2014Report Abuse
Mr Mayor, if you are going to question what people say about your quaint "SPEED TRAP" village, perhaps you need to read up on your village's statistics: http://www.city-data.com/city/Olar-South-Carolina.html#b Read where OLAR has a police to population ratio of 4.52 whereas all of South Caroline is 2.52. You guys are about twice the average!
#3Sep 09, 2014Report Abuse
Correction, no ticket for $180.00 has been written in the past two years. As for the statistics that you refer to, regardless of what the web site says, we have one and only one police officer, and have had only one officer for the past two years. And, this is not the mayor, this is the one and only police officer in town. What many of you do not understand, and cannot seem to fathom is that where you are stopped is not necessarily the spot where you were detected speeding. When you are travelling and I am a a standstill, it takes a few seconds to catch up with you. If you look on your ticket, you will see the location of the point where you were detected speeding. Maybe then you will have enough sense to look at a map and see that you were well inside the 30 mph zone when you were speeding. As for your GPS, if you read the paperwork, assuming that you can, that came with it you will probably find some disclaimer as to its accuracy, and you may want to have your speedometer checked as well. I have not and will not stop you for driving 7 miles over the speed limit.
#4Sep 10, 2014Report Abuse
Ok, I was informed of this hilarious site and this post in particular to read. I will say, I am the wife of the Police Chief of Olar and I would like to get the facts out there for all of you that believe you are right and my husband is "trapping" you. 1), the speed limits and signs are done by the SC DOT, NOT Olar! 2) My husband is the ONLY officer in Olar! 3) He only has 1 charger and a Crown Victoria that has is so old it has to be jump started on the rare times he needs it. 4) He has never written a ticket for $180 since being in Olar, the ticket I am sure was written for $133. 5) GPS systems are usually wrong, but those HUGE white signs with black letters/numbers are 100% CORRECT!!!!! 6) Who would expect to write the money order or cashier check to, since no personal checks are accepted? You broke the law in Olar so of course the money is to be paid here. When you write the Attorney General's office, please ask them to let me know when they plan to visit so I may have some baked good prepared and a pot of coffee. Now stop with the sorry whining, accept responsibility for breaking the law in our small quiet town (not a village), and pay your fine.
#5Sep 10, 2014Report Abuse
Ma'am, you are ignorant and you lie... if the chief is your husband, (A) you should stop baking bc he sat there and got out of the car looking like he could definitely use a good diet (B) I TOO have an $180 ticket when clearly the sign was for 45 and he was sitting at the sign and stopped me going 45. Who does that? this is a trap and yes, I too will be contacting the attorney general.
#6Nov 24, 2014Report Abuse
This is the Chief's wife...to the law breaker speaking to me in the above post, if you have the courage to come to court, you will see me there and I will gladly introduce myself and speak with you about my highly respected husband face to face. Not threatening or being a smart butt, but a true honest talk...if you are capable of being honest. Yes, my husband is a large guy and has lost a huge amount of weight in last few months, thank you. IF you are a "man", I can tell you my husband is a much better man than you will ever hope to become...he is honest and has never "trapped" anyone.....too many REAL law breakers like yourself to have to resort to "trapping". Pretty sad you have to TRY and attack him for his weight since you have no merit in your complaint of being caught breaking the law. Since you were pulled near the 45 mph sign, you must have been speeding in the 30 mph zone. He was sitting near the 45 mph sign to give law breakers plenty of time to slow down enough to NOT get the ticket. Guess you didn't feel the need to obey the law...shocking! By all means, contact whomever you feel the need to confess of your being caught breaking a law....wonder how many other laws you break.
#7Nov 25, 2014Report Abuse
Call it what you want, but a $250.00 fine for 46 (my word vs your word)mph is absurd. I only wish my ticket was $180.00. It may not be a Speed Trap technically, but definitely a "Gotcha". Your "town" will continue to die if you prey on tourist who will avoid you from now on. Your gas and convenience stores could probably use the revenue. Try to find a reason to come to your town instead of red flagging you.
#8Nov 02, 2015Report Abuse

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