Highway 64 between Parkin and Earle

Parkin, ArkansasMar 18, 20141 Comments

I live in Parkin and I have never seen anything like it. I have been pulled ove and ticketed. My wife has been pulled and ticketed. I questioned the officer why he pulled my wife and he told me she swerved going through the four-way stop. Seeing as there is only one, and because i waved goodbye to her from our porch, I knew she hadn’t even driven through the 4-way. When I told the officer that, he grinned and said maybe i got her coming out of the driveway. Its outrageous, its obviously criminal. When I got ticketed, I got the same as everyone. Inattentive driving, city code 269. He even had the nerve to explain to me that he was doing it to save me money by keeping it off my driving record! I have lived here most my life and people are afraid to drive to the store and don’t dare drive on Highway 64. Day and night they are there. And if you think its about public safety, you believe the moon is cheese. Its a disgrace for our town, our county, and all true police officers.

My son and girlfriend passing through on a Sunday evening saw police car oncoming and turn on his lights and u-turn behind them. Immediately upon pulling them over demanded to search their vehicle. My son asked why and officer said my son was acting nervous and probably had drugs or guns! Had not even introduced himself at this point nor looked my son in the eyes. My son refused to allow him to search the vehicle. That began a ridiculous conversation about how the driver, (girlfriend) was trying to run away from him and that he had been following for miles. They called him on it and of course he denied that he did a u-ey to get behind them. Said going 60 in a 55 mph zone. That was early on. Later he said 65 in a 55 mph zone. After threatening to bring out the search dogs the officer finally relented and gave them a ticket for 67 mph! and the ordinance 269 was tacked on to it as well! They felt harassed and unjustified in the extent of the ticket which ended up being $250! We have property up in the hills, I live there and they come to visit but we all have vowed never to go that route ever again even is our trip is longer another way. Not getting another illegal dishonest fine tacked on to any of us ever again. Local Memphis TV station has been investigating. I will lend my story if they are interested.
#1Aug 01, 2014Report Abuse

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