Highway 70

Gallaway, TennesseeAug 21, 20020 Comments

Here are some places to look for these guys if you’re unfortunate enough to have to drive through this hole in the wall. First place is about a quarter of a mile East of the Gallaway Market (the only store in the town). They’ll be sitting on the South Side of the Highway backed up in a little nook which makes it very difficult to see them, especially at night. The next location is at a closed down factory called Star II. The cops will be sitting at the loading dock which is located on the East end of the building and facing East. If you’re coming into Gallaway travelling Westbound, the speed limit changes from 55mph to 45mph just before you get to a restaurant named "County Line Catfish". Star II is just over that hill on the right so slow down or they’ll get you. Alot of times, the local police there will sit on the East and West end city limits. The West end city limit is 45mph, the East end city limit is 55mph. You can expect to see these guys anywhere in between these two city limit signs, which is approximately 3 miles. Most of these Officers are very young and are for the most part very nice, however, the two in Charge of the Department are corrupt and as crooked as they come. They make these young officers write tickets and discipline them if they don’t. The main guy there is a convicted felon and his right hand man has virtually no experience, other than writing tickets, but will do as he’s told regardless, which is probably why he is the right hand man. I’ve heard so many stories about these two men that it’s a miracle that they’re still in power there. Avoid Highway 70 at all costs, but if you have to, go at least 5 miles under the speed limit.

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