Highway 77 (Cedar Ave) between 66th St and Lake Nokomis

Minneapolis, MinnesotaJun 23, 20111 Comments

The Cops hide out in the medians under bridges and just before you exit the highway going North and also at the intersection just before Lake Nokomis going North.

I called the Richfield police to complain about these speedtraps. These Richfield cops are paid with grant money from the state and use the city's cars. I called up Richfield police and told them it is a waste of time and to use their money more wisely. I was southbound on Cedar Ave. using the exit ramp, had my seatbelt on, slowing down for the red light at 66th St. and this cop points the radar gun at my car. That police department has many problems and has had problems for years. They need the funds coming into the city and state treasuries.
#1Jul 20, 2014Report Abuse

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