Hiway 70

Calera, AlabamaNov 12, 20031 Comments

There is some kind of factor about a mile past the Waterford neighbor hood (traveling towards columbiana). Can’t see him until you pass him and he is writing ur ticket -_-

I travel this road on a regular basis and even though the speed limit is 55 I often get a high as 70 MPH because this is one of the straightest stretches of high in Alabama. There is no place 1 mile south of Waterford for a Police car to sit, except for the road leading to the landfill. This would be one of the dumbest places to put a cop looking to write tickets because almost everyone has to slow down and stop at that spot due to garbage trucks turning into the landfill off of a 2 lane highway.
#1Mar 05, 2010Report Abuse

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