Hiwy 37 and North of 37 on Mustang Rd.

Tuttle, OklahomaMay 05, 20031 Comments

Any part of road way in tuttle city limits, which extends for 8 miles east of tuttle on hiwy 37, North of 37 on Sara Rd and many county roads. The speed limits are too low and restrictive for the type of roads. Went to court today for 70/60. One man had been ticked on a county road for 45, Judge told him all roads in Tuttle are 35 unless marked; this road was not marked, thus was 35mph, though all unmarked county roads are 45. He dismissed the ticked but still charged "administration fee" of $35.00. DO NOT TRAVEL THROUGH TUTTLE. IF YOU DO, DO NOT STOP AND SPEND YOUR MONEY THERE.

Trust me, it's not just the cops sitting on the side of the road, its the ones driving. And they will stop you for a little violation, and then up your speed to make it worse on you. I would not evenpass through this town if my next best option didn't involve five miles of gravel roads.
#1Mar 03, 2011Report Abuse

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