Holleman Road near Glade Street

College Station, TexasApr 13, 20062 Comments

A city motorcycle policeman will sit in a residential yard behind some trees so he can’t be seen until it is too late. The speed limit is 30 MPH but there is a 5 MPH allowance before a car is considered to be speeding. If a car heading east on Holleman, towards the stop sign at Glade Street and Holleman Road, is doing more tan 35 MPH, the policeman on the motorcycle is sitting there with a radar gun and he will get you before you see him. It is best to go 30 MPH because one never knows when the policeman on the motorcycle is sitting there with his radar gun. If a car is doing 35 or over and the policeman on the motorcycle is there, it is a guaranteed ticket for speeding.

Holleman Road should be Holleman Drive
#1Sep 24, 2010Report Abuse
This is absolutely TRUE! Unfortunately, I was doing 40 mph and did not see the officer sitting on his motorcycle in a residential yard. In fact, that is the first thing he asked me...."Did you see me?". Now, what do you say in this instance.... "NO! If I had seen you, I would have SLOWED DOWN!!! HELLOOO?" I did answer, though, "No", in a very polite tone. After thinking about it, maybe the police ask that standard question to find out if they actually are sitting in a good, secluded spot, and will continue to do so!! I received the ticket at this location about 4 years ago; and, interestingly enough, I have not seen a cop there since then!! Maybe a number of people have been caught at that location, and are slowing down, so the cop has shifted to another street in town. All I know, is that is the last ticket I intend on receiving and paying! Cost: $200.00. I did take a defensive driver's course on-line and was able to whittle that cost down. Still, it taught me a good lesson.
#2Mar 29, 2011Report Abuse

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