Huron Parkway near Huron Hills Golf Course

Ann Arbor, MichiganJul 18, 20061 Comments

Long stretch of 4-lane roadway with no sideroad access. At 35mph posting, police are constantly patrolling and frequently parked on the northbound shoulder just over a slight hill. They are there so often that the grass is worn down. Many tickets per day are given.

The posted 35 is about the 18th percentile speed near Washtenaw and only about the 1st percentile near the two hills in the center of the segment. The road should be posted at 45 from Geddes to Washtenaw and 50 from Geddes to Plymouth (now posted at 40). Ann Arbor posts most main road speed limits illegally, usually at or below the 30th percentile speed of free flowing traffic under good conditions.
#1Jan 26, 2010Report Abuse

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