Hwy 34 Traveling Towards Down Town Just Past Burger King

Newnan, GeorgiaNov 19, 20021 Comments

On Hwy 34 going towards down town just past Burger King on the right 2 City Police sitting at an entrance to the old cemetery. One of the officers is clocking and the other is writing the tickets. You cannot see them because you’re coming around the curve after the bridge that goes over the railroad tracks and by the time you see them it’s too late. Plus you’re going from a 55 zone to a 35 zone in less than a mile so you probably will still be going faster than 35 by the time you get to that point in the road. I got stopped at 4:04 in the afternoon.

Traveling on Highway 34 going towards the bypass. There is a 4 way stop and behind woods on corner is Marathon Gas Station. Officers wait in cars on either side of the road for people coming up over hill from Bullsboro direction. This location is used frequently.
#1Jun 01, 2010Report Abuse

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