HWY 56

Gainsboro, TennesseeNov 10, 20020 Comments

Traveling North on HWY 56 the speed limit is 55 mph. Just before entering town is the Country Cabin Liquor Store. The speed limit is still 55 mph at this point. Beyond the liquor store it is reduced to 40 mph. The local cops will set up BEFORE the liquor store and stop you in the parking lot. I was given a ticket going 42 mph in a forty, yet I was still in the 55 mph zone. I was told to take the ticket or my vehicle would be searched. Even though the cops know they cannot search without probable cause or a warrant; it’s tough. Seems like Gainsboro needs all the money they can rake in even if it’s not right. This town gives a bad name to law enforcement. And yes,this is DEFINITELY legitimate- I’ve talked to others when I went to Court to protest and the same episode happened to others ! My advice, take HWY 135- the long route if you have to go through Gainsboro, TN

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