Hwy 67 Bypass

Oconomowoc, WisconsinMay 28, 20081 Comments

The State of Wisconsin built a bypass around the city of Oconomowoc, and then put a speed limit of 35 at various points. They actually put in two cement pads at the side of the road for police officers to park their cars to catch speeders. Actually the whole area of Oconomowoc is a speed trap. The Oconomowoc Lake area speed limit is 15 mph, which is almost impossible to travel at.


Used to drive through there all the time(back in '93 through '96). Would see at least 1/2 dozen cops each time. I always referred to that town as "O-COP-omowoc" for that reason. Never got pulled over though.
#1Apr 18, 2013Report Abuse

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