Hwy 70, main road right through Kingston

Kingston, OklahomaMay 13, 20101 Comments

Hasn’t been doing it much lately, but when you are coming into Kingston (going East) an officer will sit in Lakeway Motel’s parking lot behind a marquee sign. You cannot see him until you are passing him. He pulls several people over by sitting there.

3 mile east of Kington on Highway 70, it goes from 2 lanes to a newer stretch of 5 lanes. The speed limit drops from 65 to 55 mph. The out of town folks assume that the speed limit would increase or at least remain at 65 mph. It's a good bet that one of our officers will be lying in wait. There is not any tolerence over 55mph. I am pro law enforcement and never received a citation from our police dept but have seen many examples of this "speed trap" in action.
#1May 25, 2011Report Abuse

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