Hwy 87

Roundup, MontanaJul 18, 20021 Comments

just south of town limits 75 drops to 35. as you enter the town limits, county sheriff are cruising slow to catch you speeding, then nail you with a hefty fine

Incorrect. On Hwy 87 the Max. Daytime Speed limit is 75 til Highway 12, then during the next 6 miles is reduced.... first drops to 45, then just south of town drops to 35 and is at 25 in town. Correct: The County Sheriff uses radar to ticket and will ticket for 34 in the 25 zone, even just short of the 35 zone. (don't ask) Speed Trap? probably not, but all highways that slow to 25 are pretty close.
#1Apr 09, 2010Report Abuse

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