Hwy 90 E between Laughlin AFB and Bracketville

Del Rio, TexasSep 09, 20101 Comments

State troopers and/or the local Constable or Sheriff sit along the side of the roadway just before a crest in the road. By the time you see them, they have already got you clocked {even though you may have a radar detector}

You could have saved the cost of the detector by just driving the speed limit. How can it be a trap if you did it to yourself? By the way, NO, we don't have to give you 5, 6, 10 mph over the limit before we stop you. Breaking the law no matter how you look at it is like being "a little pregnant or a little dead". You either are or you are not. you either did or did not. So don't cry about being "trapped" because your radar detector didn't warn you that you were about to be caught violating the law. And yes, we do catch criminals while working traffic, when is the last time a burglar, bank robber, child molester or drug smuggler attempted to escape the law by carrying his bounty on his back headed out of town to escape or aviod prosecution? Criminals drive too!
#1Oct 05, 2010Report Abuse

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