I 70 eastbound near airport

St Ann, MissouriDec 13, 20104 Comments

A radar car and several chase cars line up on the side of the road near a hill
and shoot vehicles heading east. One thing I noticed is that the police cars may not even be in their jurisdiction and certainly the chase cars almost always are in Edmundson or Woodson Terrace. The speed limit there drops from 60 to 55mph.

St. Ann is actually shooting the radar from a hotel room next to the highway. I've seen as many as a dozen cars out there. And stltoday.com yesterday reported that St. Ann has designated it a "Travel Safe Zone", enabling them to double fines and issue tickets that start at $200.
#1Jan 01, 2011Report Abuse
the way they dart out in front of people its goin to take one of the lo life creeps gettin killed or ran over before they will put an end to it they are making our travel safe zone not so safe
#2Jan 19, 2011Report Abuse
Actually St Ann convinced the state commission to declare this a special traffic zone to qualify thier Troll Booth. They actually have an officer in an office building with a ladar gun. Two issues with this...go to court, everyone clocked by this officer seemed to have 71mph, 1 mph above the 5 mph speed allowed by Missouri law. So this is highly suspect. Second, in medium traffic I seriously doubt the accuracy of the ladar gun in the hands of the officer. I think he does more visual then electronic speed tracking.... i.e. he assumes the person going faster then others is going at least 71 so that is what the cite is for. Though city ordinance is not valid outside of St Ann, they can chase you to the neighboring city and cite you for what you did. The cop is an old codger prick. Set up your case so you can slam him on appeal....he is obviously biased and as in poker you can use this to your advantage...paper him with motions which will be upheld on appeal and he will deny every one of them....proving the judge errored in many ways.
#3Oct 25, 2011Report Abuse
I meant the judge is an old codger prick....and you can use this to your advantage. He will shut you down. Make sure he shuts you down on stuff that you can prove such as discovery and evidence, so when you appeal (new trial) you can point out that the judge errored on these points.....
#4Oct 25, 2011Report Abuse

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