Monroe, GeorgiaMay 03, 20032 Comments

Ticket say i did 85mph in a 65mph ….had trafic all around me doing 75-80…
..going south over long hill makeing a long left swing downward and the pig was parked in left emergency lane from like a block away and at the bottom ….
I was close to someone passing me on this curb in the fast lane and i still got pulled over with two other drivers that were way in front of me … looks like he needed a florida driver on his ticket list…
was doing 80mph and slamming the brakes down to 70 …
To far to fight the ticket becouse of thier b.s. backward laws…..

This is not Monroe, Georgia...it is Monroe County, Forsyth, Georgia.
#1Mar 21, 2010Report Abuse
This is not Monroe, GA. I-75 is far off from here, the above comment, is where the speed trap is set up though, I have been there when the County Officers are present.
#2Aug 18, 2013Report Abuse

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