I 90 east Inbetween exit 9 and 10 and 11west

Albany, New YorkMay 23, 20030 Comments

OKay heading east from exit 9 to 11w, Right when you pass exit nine there is a hill, cops like to sit on the other side of the road at night with the lights off kinda in the breakdown lane. ALso when you get to the top of the hill right before exit 10 there is a bridge with a u turn*most of the time they are facing the westbound lane* It is elliot road i think. After the bridge don’t think your safe because on the right side of the highway there are cut out’s and hills they like to sit on constnatly you can’t see em until you pass em.. also exit 10 heading east from miller road i think it is. they like to sit on the on ramp. so you will never see em and your radar will not go off until you are already clocked… From exit 9 to 11w i would not speed..*S* hope this helps

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