In front of Amfels Shipyard on Hwy. 48/South Padre Island Hwy.

Brownsville, TexasMay 31, 20031 Comments

From Old Hwy. 48 to where the two-lane highway begins, County Sheriff prescence is high, especially on the weekend. The speed-limit is 55 m.p.h., but many want to go faster. I’ve seen as many as five sheriffs patrolling the stretch back and forth, pulling over three different cars at a time.

You'll be happy to know that the speed limit is now 65MPH. I drive this road every day of my life. I'm guessing it was either a holiday or Spring Break for so many law enforcement to be there. I've seen my share of bad accidents in front of Amfels. So, if you know that happens, don't speed!!!
#1Aug 26, 2010Report Abuse

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