In front of the new Target on US 72 in Madison

Madison, AlabamaJan 31, 20120 Comments

My wife was traveling through and the officer said he clocked her at 64. No way, she said she was doing 50, which is still 5 over the construction zone speed, but there was no work going on at that time. She was passed by other cars before she was pulled over. I get passed by speeders everyday going to work only to be amazed that there almost never seems to be any police around but when we have a designated construction they crawl all over it and write you up for the wrong speed. I told her if she ever gets pulled over again to ask to see the speed she was clocked at. I just want the police to patrol all roads and not just easy target areas where speed limits have changed for a short time so they can get some easy money. They need to spend more time paroling county line, highway 20 and I-565. Also it would help to watch more intersections for vehicles running red lights. Lastly the officer that pulled her over said if it was not in a construction he would have let her go. What does that have to do with it. There were no workers present at the time she was going through the zone.

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