Interstate 101 Southbound near State Highway 154 San Marcos Pass Rd.

Buelton, CaliforniaMar 22, 20080 Comments

Heading southbound on the #101, 2 miles past Los Alamos, where the #101 is split by oak groves, CHP in vehicles, hide to the right on poorly marked dirt roads with large brush/trees for cover. The vehicle typcially sits perpendicular to the highway. Three times I’ve seen the car (stopped once for a ticket)up there in the past eight trips back to Santa Barbara. You start to come down a hill towards Highway #154 amd build up speed. The road bends to the right and Hello! there sits the officer. By then it is too late. They escort you to the next exit(#154) with lights on and make you exit the highway. (Easy off, easy on after signing for the ticket.)

I’ve also seen lots of CHP hanging out at that intersection-both motorcycles and squad cars quite frequently.

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