Interstate 15 near Interstate 15

Fillmore, UtahDec 02, 20053 Comments

The entire stretch of I-15 from the beginning of the first signs about Fillmore upcoming until you are completely through the town should be considered a speed trap. the troopers are very polite, but they are upset because of the speeders running through there and there’s no talking them out of a ticket once they’ve got you!

That's not a speed trap. All the police vehicles are out in the open where they can be seen. There is no such thing as a speed trap. The key is to Just not speed. Obey the law and you'll be fine!
#1Apr 22, 2010Report Abuse
Trust me on is...and I never saw the officer until I was pulled over...unless he was wearing a cloke of invisibility, he wasn't out in the open. Very, very polite, way to beg for mercy. And I agree, Officer, there really isn't really such a thing as a speed trap and the key is not to speed...however, it does happen an awful lot in that stretch of Interstate I-15. It happens less now that the speed limit has been upped to 75MPH. What is Fillmore doing for income these days?
#2Jun 15, 2010Report Abuse
my GPS got me lost going from sylvania to waynesboro and I was speeding, upset and frustrated iI had a clean driving record until then. yeah the cop was sitting in a field just before that tiny convenient store at the 4 way. i knew something was odd when he didnt offer a warning...but he did give me directions. mayberry I guess. now im reading this and understand why. i tried calling them at 1:30 pm, no answer.
#3Sep 04, 2014Report Abuse

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