Interstate 205 near Glen Jackson Bridge

Vancouver, WashingtonOct 15, 20071 Comments

Motorcycle Police

The Glen Jackson bridge speed limit is 55mph. Most drivers don't realize that; those who don't getting PO'd at those who do, and gassing it up to go around in a lane to the left. Also two major offramps are at the end of the N/B bridge lanes, cause right lanes to slow down, the resulting unaware drivers also gas it up and change lanes to the left, causing further problems to the traffic behind. All this causes some drivers to speed up needlessly, trying to get by the 'slow ones'-- the WSP knows this and stations a M/C with radar in the center median in this area, both before and after the speed limit sign changing the s/l back to 60mph.
#1May 03, 2010Report Abuse

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