Interstate 35 near 18th St./Trfwy

Mission, KansasJul 05, 20071 Comments

Kansas State Police, or Mission Police will sit on I-35, or ramp from 18th ST.–Northbound I-35 beware. Motorcycle cop especially. Sometimes between I-635 & Southwest Trfwy

18th St Trafficway at I-35 is definately not in Mission Kansas. It's not in Roeland Park either. The border between Johnson County and Wyandotte county is 47th street. If you project 47th Street (aka County Line Road) you will notice that I-35 in that area is well north of the county border. I too have seen Mission police setting up shop on I-35 northbound traffic and I do not understand how they can do this considering that that area is not in Mission Kansas. It's not even in Johnson county. Now with the Kansas Highway patrol. That's another story. If they catch you then it doesn't matter. Just make sure they write up the ticket in the correct city and county.
#1Aug 18, 2010Report Abuse

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