Interstate 45 South near Roughly between Bellfort and Scarsdale

Houston, TexasJul 11, 20070 Comments

Travelling south on I-45, roughly between Bellfort and Scarsdale, police officers set up like wolf packs in the emergency lanes of the freeway each weekday morning. They use the dips in the freeway to hide from motorists and to track them long before they reach their hidden location. I’m guessing that their guns have long distance sighting capability and they simply count how long it takes a motorist to travel from one spot to another. Either that or they love targeting motorists constantly changing lanes. These folk are good too cause my radar never registers a hit or feedback. I believe the posted speed is 60 mph, but the temptation to speed can be overwhelming, esp. since the north bound lanes are usually crawling along bumper to bumper.

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