Interstate 75 near I-675 North to Saginaw Rd. Exit.

Saginaw, MichiganSep 24, 20060 Comments

Laser guns are being used on I-75 North between the I-675 on ramp north to the saginaw rd exit. They like to sit perpendicular in the median and shoot off of their door sill. They target both north and south boud through this area be carfull. Ka band radar is used as well, and maybe even still k but that is rarer than the lidar and ka enforcement. Its a luck of the draw thing but they have been enforcing this area more latley as i have seen them 2 out of the last 3 times I have been down this way shooting lidar. Couldn’t get a handle on what gun he had that well. Looked like maybe a stalker LZ1 though.

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