Interstate 95 near US Highway 58

Emporia, VirginiaFeb 18, 20040 Comments

Emporia has a reputation for perhaps being the worse speed trap in Virginia. I have avoided Emporia for the last year or two because I’ve frequently seen speed traps in and around Emporia. Upon returning to Chesapeake from North Carolina I made a conscious decision to go through there to see what the speed trap situation is currently. I saw 3 cars pulled over within 8 miles of Emporia on I 95. Upon exiting I 95 onto US 58 I saw another car pulled over within half of a mile. After going through "the stop light" I saw another cruiser poised to catch cars coming over the crest of a hill. Bottom line, I will stay out of Emporia if at all possible. If it’s ever necessary for me to go through Emporia, I assure you, I will not spend one nickel in this town.

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