Interstate I-95 north and south

Colonial Heights, VirginiaJun 17, 20030 Comments

There are several radar traps along Interstate I-95 going north and south.

Going North fom Colonial Heights to Richmond.
1. State police will sit behind the bridge (about a mile before the two exits)just before the Chester and Hopewell exit and other times right after you cross over Route 10 on the side of the road. It is impossible to see them.

2. Right after the Willis Road exit.

3. Once you get to Richmond they will be set-up right a 1-1/2 miles north of MCV Hospital.

4. Again after the the Parham Road exit(behind the concrete wall on your right).

Going south from Richmond to Colonial Heights.

1. Radar is set-up after the Willis road exit at the bottom of the hill on your right.

2. Right after the Route 288 exit in the curve tucked close to the bridge. It is impossible to see them at all until you approach them about 50′. They get lots of revenue from Out of state travelers.

3. Immediately after the Chester/Hopewell exit on the grass.

4. In the curve before the Walthall exit, approx less than 2 miles from the Chester/Hopewell exit.

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